July 2020 • USA and Singapore • 6 First year GI fellows
Program Description:
The standardized EGD Course was a 2-week program conducted in the USA and Singapore for six first-year GI fellows (2 from UC SFO, 2 from CPMC, and 2 from SGH). The course featured two weeks of online learning through the Canvas LMS, with the first week covering the basics of EGD and the second week focusing on endoscopic therapies. Assessments were conducted after each phase using knowledge-based and technical skills evaluations, with cumulative assessments at the end of each phase and a final summary video at the course's conclusion.
Experience published on the GIE Journal: SBML for Rapid Acquisition of Upper Endoscopy Knowledge and Skills – Initial Observation (Nguyen-Vu, et al, GIE J, 2020)