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Comprehensive Upper GI Endoscopy Program for First-Year Trainees

September 2019 • Manila, Philippines • 28 GI fellows

Program Description:

In August 2019, the SBML Course on Upper GI Endoscopy was held in Manila, Philippines, as a mandatory training for the Philippine Society of Digestive Endoscopy. The 6-week program involved 28 GI fellows and focused on learning fine tip control, structured upper endoscopy exams, and endoscopic therapies. For the first five weeks, training was conducted through virtual coaching using Viber. The final week consisted of a 2-day in-person hands-on experiential training utilizing silicone models and explant tissues. Participants' technical skills were assessed using a 10-point Likert scale, and their knowledge was evaluated with a 20-question final assessment based on readings and lectures. The course featured interactive webinar lectures, frequent one-on-one virtual coaching sessions, and a two-day hands-on workshop. Upon completion of the course,  the trainees significantly increased their use of therapies (clipping, injection, polypectomy) and rated their satisfaction with the course highly (4.93+0.27 out of 5).

Experience published on Gastroenterology: SBML with Virtual Coaching: Experience in Training Standardized Upper Endoscopy to Novice Endoscopists (Soetikno, et al, Gastroenterology, 2020)

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