Member Profiles
Pribadi RR, Yoga V, Tandan M, Rani AA, Makmun D. Periendoscopic Care Continuum in Acute Cholangitis Caused by Common Bile Duct Stone. Acta Med Indones. 2024 Apr;56(2):240-248. PMID: 39010775.
Lui RN, Chan TT, Chantarojanasiri T, Chien MM, Dao VH, Devi J, Huang DQ, Jin EH, Khurelbaatar T, Nabi Z, Otani K, Panlilio MTT, Park SH, Pribadi RR, Qiao Y, Siah K, Sonthalia N, Tran QT, Xiao Y, Raja Ali RA; Emerging Leaders Committee; Asian Pacific Association of Gastroenterology. The Emerging Leaders Committee: Turning a new page for APAGE to nurture the next generation of Asia-Pacific leaders in digestive health. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2024 May 22. doi: 10.1111/jgh.16610. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38778432.
Pribadi, RR. RAPID, As an International Education Platform. RAPID Leaders Meeting - International Meeting Korean Association for the Study of Intestinal Diseases (IMKASID). 2024 Apr 11.
Shitara K, Fleitas T, Kawakami H, Curigliano G, Narita Y, Wang F, Wardhani SO, Basade M, Rha SY, Wan Zamaniah WI, Sacdalan DL, Ng M, Yeh KH, Sunpaweravong P, Sirachainan E, Chen MH, Yong WP, Peneyra JL, Ibtisam MN, Lee KW, Krishna V, Pribadi RR, Li J, Lui A, Yoshino T, Baba E, Nakayama I, Pentheroudakis G, Shoji H, Cervantes A, Ishioka C, Smyth E. Pan-Asian adapted ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of patients with gastric cancer. ESMO Open. 2024 Feb;9(2):102226. doi: 10.1016/j.esmoop.2023.102226. Epub 2024 Feb 3. PMID: 38458658; PMCID: PMC10937212.
Syam AF, Miftahussurur M, Makmun D, Abdullah M, Rani AA, Siregar GA, Simadibrata M, Zubir N, Dewa Nyoman Wibawa I, Purnomo HD, Manan C, Djojoningrat D, Fauzi A, Renaldi K, Maulahela H, Utari AP, Pribadi RR, Muzellina VN, Nursyirwan SA, Idrus MF, Ruswhandi R, Sugihartono T, Bestari MB, Bayupurnama P, Pramana TY, Wibowo BP, Bakry AF, Akil F, Parewangi AML, Widita H, Mariadi IK, Murti IS, Yusuf AI, Arles A, Yusuf F, Waleleng BJ, Abimanyu A, Mulyadi Y, Lucida MI, Rezkhita YAA, Alfaray RI, Yamaoka Y. Management of dyspepsia and Helicobacter pylori infection: the 2022 Indonesian Consensus Report. Gut Pathog. 2023 May 22;15(1):25. doi: 10.1186/s13099-023-00551-2. PMID: 37217981; PMCID: PMC10202071.
Febrinasari RP, Indah SP, Bastomy ER, Irving S, Azmiardi A, Pribadi RR, Simadibrata M, Sari Y. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the relationship between advanced glycation end products Receptor (RAGE) gene polymorphisms and the risk of inflammatory bowel disease. Caspian J Intern Med. 2023 Summer;14(3):412-424. doi: 10.22088/cjim.14.3.41. PMID: 37520885; PMCID: PMC10379790.
Pribadi, RR. ‘Patient Safety and Healthcare Worker Safety in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy during COVID-19 Pandemic’. Contemporary Topics in Patient Safety - Volume 2, IntechOpen, 3 May 2023. Crossref, doi:10.5772/intechopen.109128.
Abdullah M, Meilany S, Trimarsanto H, Malik SG, Sukartini N, Idrus F, Nursyirwan SA, Muzellina VN, Pribadi RR, Utari AP, Maulahela H, Syam AF. Genomic profiles of Indonesian colorectal cancer patients. F1000Res. 2022 Apr 20;11:443. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.109136.2. PMID: 37125020; PMCID: PMC10133825.
Pribadi RR, Simadibrata M, Sulaiman AS, Abdullah M. Role of thigh circumference, calf circumference, subjective global assessment, and handgrip strength as diagnostic modalities of sarcopenia in women inflammatory bowel disease patients. JGH Open. 2022 Jul 28;6(9):621-624. doi: 10.1002/jgh3.12797. PMID: 36091320; PMCID: PMC9446409.
Pribadi RR, Utari AP, Muzellina VN, Nursyirwan SA, Maulahela H, Renaldi K, Syam AF. Clinical Practice of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in COVID-19 Patients: An Experience from Indonesia. Clin Endosc. 2022 Jan;55(1):156-159. doi: 10.5946/ce.2021.088. Epub 2021 Jul 20. PMID: 34280966; PMCID: PMC8831405.
Selected Publications
Pribadi RR, Yoga V, Tandan M, Rani AA, Makmun D. Periendoscopic Care Continuum in Acute Cholangitis Caused by Common Bile Duct Stone. Acta Med Indones. 2024 Apr;56(2):240-248. PMID: 39010775.
Lui RN, Chan TT, Chantarojanasiri T, Chien MM, Dao VH, Devi J, Huang DQ, Jin EH, Khurelbaatar T, Nabi Z, Otani K, Panlilio MTT, Park SH, Pribadi RR, Qiao Y, Siah K, Sonthalia N, Tran QT, Xiao Y, Raja Ali RA; Emerging Leaders Committee; Asian Pacific Association of Gastroenterology. The Emerging Leaders Committee: Turning a new page for APAGE to nurture the next generation of Asia-Pacific leaders in digestive health. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2024 May 22. doi: 10.1111/jgh.16610. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38778432.
Pribadi, RR. RAPID, As an International Education Platform. RAPID Leaders Meeting - International Meeting Korean Association for the Study of Intestinal Diseases (IMKASID). 2024 Apr 11.
Shitara K, Fleitas T, Kawakami H, Curigliano G, Narita Y, Wang F, Wardhani SO, Basade M, Rha SY, Wan Zamaniah WI, Sacdalan DL, Ng M, Yeh KH, Sunpaweravong P, Sirachainan E, Chen MH, Yong WP, Peneyra JL, Ibtisam MN, Lee KW, Krishna V, Pribadi RR, Li J, Lui A, Yoshino T, Baba E, Nakayama I, Pentheroudakis G, Shoji H, Cervantes A, Ishioka C, Smyth E. Pan-Asian adapted ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of patients with gastric cancer. ESMO Open. 2024 Feb;9(2):102226. doi: 10.1016/j.esmoop.2023.102226. Epub 2024 Feb 3. PMID: 38458658; PMCID: PMC10937212.
Syam AF, Miftahussurur M, Makmun D, Abdullah M, Rani AA, Siregar GA, Simadibrata M, Zubir N, Dewa Nyoman Wibawa I, Purnomo HD, Manan C, Djojoningrat D, Fauzi A, Renaldi K, Maulahela H, Utari AP, Pribadi RR, Muzellina VN, Nursyirwan SA, Idrus MF, Ruswhandi R, Sugihartono T, Bestari MB, Bayupurnama P, Pramana TY, Wibowo BP, Bakry AF, Akil F, Parewangi AML, Widita H, Mariadi IK, Murti IS, Yusuf AI, Arles A, Yusuf F, Waleleng BJ, Abimanyu A, Mulyadi Y, Lucida MI, Rezkhita YAA, Alfaray RI, Yamaoka Y. Management of dyspepsia and Helicobacter pylori infection: the 2022 Indonesian Consensus Report. Gut Pathog. 2023 May 22;15(1):25. doi: 10.1186/s13099-023-00551-2. PMID: 37217981; PMCID: PMC10202071.
Febrinasari RP, Indah SP, Bastomy ER, Irving S, Azmiardi A, Pribadi RR, Simadibrata M, Sari Y. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the relationship between advanced glycation end products Receptor (RAGE) gene polymorphisms and the risk of inflammatory bowel disease. Caspian J Intern Med. 2023 Summer;14(3):412-424. doi: 10.22088/cjim.14.3.41. PMID: 37520885; PMCID: PMC10379790.
Pribadi, RR. ‘Patient Safety and Healthcare Worker Safety in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy during COVID-19 Pandemic’. Contemporary Topics in Patient Safety - Volume 2, IntechOpen, 3 May 2023. Crossref, doi:10.5772/intechopen.109128.
Abdullah M, Meilany S, Trimarsanto H, Malik SG, Sukartini N, Idrus F, Nursyirwan SA, Muzellina VN, Pribadi RR, Utari AP, Maulahela H, Syam AF. Genomic profiles of Indonesian colorectal cancer patients. F1000Res. 2022 Apr 20;11:443. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.109136.2. PMID: 37125020; PMCID: PMC10133825.
Pribadi RR, Simadibrata M, Sulaiman AS, Abdullah M. Role of thigh circumference, calf circumference, subjective global assessment, and handgrip strength as diagnostic modalities of sarcopenia in women inflammatory bowel disease patients. JGH Open. 2022 Jul 28;6(9):621-624. doi: 10.1002/jgh3.12797. PMID: 36091320; PMCID: PMC9446409.
Pribadi RR, Utari AP, Muzellina VN, Nursyirwan SA, Maulahela H, Renaldi K, Syam AF. Clinical Practice of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in COVID-19 Patients: An Experience from Indonesia. Clin Endosc. 2022 Jan;55(1):156-159. doi: 10.5946/ce.2021.088. Epub 2021 Jul 20. PMID: 34280966; PMCID: PMC8831405.
Selected Accolades
Secretary of Indonesian Society of Internal Medicine Jakarta Chapter
Professional Development Committee of Indonesian Society of Gastroenterology (ISG)
Secretary General of Indonesian Society for Digestive Endoscopy (ISDE)
Other Positions and Professional Services
Secretary of Indonesian Society of Internal Medicine Jakarta Chapter
Professional Development Committee of Indonesian Society of Gastroenterology (ISG)
Secretary General of Indonesian Society for Digestive Endoscopy (ISDE)
Inflammatory bowel disease
Pancreatobiliary disease
Research Interests
Inflammatory bowel disease
Pancreatobiliary disease
Medical Staff, Division of Gastroenterology, Pancreatobiliary and Digestive Endoscopy Department of Internal Medicine, Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia
Job Title/Position and Hospital/Academic Institution
Medical Staff, Division of Gastroenterology, Pancreatobiliary and Digestive Endoscopy Department of Internal Medicine, Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia
MD, Gastroenterohepatology Consultant
Academic and Professional Qualifications
MD, Gastroenterohepatology Consultant
Rabbinu Rangga Pribadi, MD is a gastroenterohepatology consultant at Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia. He completed his gastroenterohepatology subspecialty study at Universitas Indonesia in 2021.
He also completed Advanced EUS and ERCP Training at Asian Institute of Gastroenterology, Hyderabad, India in 2023 and Basic GI Endoscopy Training at Kyushu University Hospital in 2019. Apart from carrying out his duties as a doctor, he is also active in professional organizations such as being a Secretary General of Indonesian Society for Digestive Endoscopy (ISDE), Professional Development Committee of Indonesian Society of Gastroenterology (ISG), and Secretary of Indonesian Society of Internal Medicine Jakarta Chapter.
Short Bio
Rabbinu Rangga Pribadi, MD is a gastroenterohepatology consultant at Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia. He completed his gastroenterohepatology subspecialty study at Universitas Indonesia in 2021.
He also completed Advanced EUS and ERCP Training at Asian Institute of Gastroenterology, Hyderabad, India in 2023 and Basic GI Endoscopy Training at Kyushu University Hospital in 2019. Apart from carrying out his duties as a doctor, he is also active in professional organizations such as being a Secretary General of Indonesian Society for Digestive Endoscopy (ISDE), Professional Development Committee of Indonesian Society of Gastroenterology (ISG), and Secretary of Indonesian Society of Internal Medicine Jakarta Chapter.
Rabbinu Rangga Pribadi, MD